"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love." ~Mildred B. Vermont~

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Need More Improvement

I know I am not good when it comes to writing and speaking English that is why I wasn't surprised when Blog Distributor declined my six blogs when I applied them an hour ago :-(. But why do I feel bad? Maybe it is because I am in denial, lol. Anyway, I am a little bit worried because I plan on going back to college next year; and I don't want to take ESL class thinking that I may fail it. Hubby keeps on reassuring me that I speak English better than other people who were actually borne and raised in America. Oh well, I better prepare myself before that day. And I can do that by reading and writing more to improve my speaking and writing abilities and the use of correct grammar as well.


  1. me too i am really not good in english but i love math when im in high and college...but english and everysubject that incorporate with english I hate it

  2. yeah you have a nice & catchy words in your blog..
    i like that...

  3. nice blog,,
    I have book marked this site, thanks
